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MultiMi Puts Together Your eMails, Twitter, Facebook, Docs, Chat, Media, Browser n More…


We are used to use different applications for different uses. To check eMail we use ThunderBird, to create schedule  and to do task management we need Lightning and SunBird, to remain updated what is happening on our social network account we use many different software, for online docs we need browser, etc etc. Writing so many application names makes me feel strange. Well, every task has one separate application to run.

MultiMi is an amazing application. I was really waiting for such application. In fact, this single application has reduced the burden on computer. MultiMi has so many features that I am afraid to not to be able to write about all. The installer is very small and is of 11MB. Luckily, after installation, it took only 24MB. Think, different applications would have taken many times more disk space for all the features which single MultiMi has and it took only 24MB.

MultiMi interface is very simple. In fact, MultiMi’s interface is the most common interface which you will find in many applications. It is basically divided into two panes. Left one is narrow but contain Menu list. Right pane is wide and is also divided into five rectangles. One rectangle for eMails, one for social networks, one for photos, one for events and one for contacts. These two panes are at home screen. When you go to, let’s say, Messages, the left pane will remain the same and Message menu will open in the shape of tree-view. But right pane will be in two parts, middle part will show list of messages and most right part will show the message. You open any function from main menu, MultiMi will have right pane into two parts as in Messages view.

In MultiMi you can work on your eMails like GMail, Yahoo, Hotmail, POP3, IMAP, you can use your social networks like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, you can use Google Calendar, you can view your photos in Picasa and Flicker, you can watch videos and listen music locally, you can go to YouTube, You can use Google Docs, you can also chat on GoogleTalk and Facebook. All these functions have sub-functions. Description of these sub-functions will take a lot of time and space. I am leaving it on you.

One interesting feature is it got a browser function. Browser is not so powerful like Firefox and Chrome but it works exactly like these browsers. It is a tabbed browser. Browser is not speedy. it is at least 4 to 7 times slower than normal Firefox and Chrome.

MultiMi uses AVG LinkScanner which checks the links and if it finds any harmful link, it will simply block the link. This means your all messages containing links will be scanned first and then will be delivered to you. One important thing I could not find is AntiVirus scanning. There should be a feature to do scanning by locally installed AntiVirus. Well, it is also missing Google+.

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr, Picasa, YouTube, email, chat, calendars, contacts, browsers… we’ve come to love them on their own – but staying on top of them is very time- consuming!
MultiMi collects all your accounts and networks so you can connect with friends and family, surf the web, and share pics, vids and files simply by dragging and dropping.
MultiMi also features AVG LinkScanner, which automatically checks links exchanged through social media in real time.
Just install MultiMi for free, connect to your accounts and networks, and you’re good to go. Leave multiple logins and switching between browser tabs behind. With MultiMi, you can manage your online life seamlessly.

Currently, MultiMi is in beta phase. Looking at beta v0.9.27.5155, it may not take long to come to RC and then final release.

You can read more about MultiMi and download from the following web page:



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how much ram is taking multimi


Almost 65MB when we use it.


how much ram is taking multimi


Almost 65MB when we use it.


Thank You.


Thank You.


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Thank You Zsolt. 😉


Thank you. Is it real page from Spotmau TuneUp Kit vendor?


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Thank You Zsolt. 😉


Thank you. Is it real page from Spotmau TuneUp Kit vendor?

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